
Meet us at B2B e-handel 2022

Today, 82% of all B2B buyers are shopping online and that number underlines how important the B2B ecommerce branch has become. On June 15th, Dansk Erhverv is hosting their annual B2B e-handel conference and we are participating. Will you be?

Meet us at B2B e-handel 2022 featured image

No matter where your B2B business is on its digital journey it’s just a fact that ecommerce within this branch is growing rapidly and it can be a challenge keeping up with the pace and staying competitive.

That’s why Adapt is where the action’s at on June 15th and stand available as an experienced B2B ecommerce sparring partner, ready to help you decide on your next digital project. We believe in the qualitative conversation at eye level, building a mutual relation by understanding who you are, your pain points and where we fit in. We believe the fruitful business starts from a point of honest and valuable dialogue, not long quantifiable lead lists. Thus, we bring along a few hand-picked experts who are ready to meet you at our booth.

In addition, GSV Materialeudlejling A/S will be joining us on stage in true collaborative style and will present their remarkable digital transformation story, from being a traditional construction equipment rental company to becoming a modernized, digital service business hungry for more digital growth. This is a session you don’t want to miss! (Check out the case here)

In essence, there are plenty of reasons for you to attend B2B e-handel 2022 on June 15th. Go ahead and check out the full program here.

We hope to meet you there.

And psst… we have juice… lots of juice!