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Andel Energi


App & Web Development, Visual Identity by e-Types

Personal and full of green advice

With great power comes great responsibility. As Denmark’s largest energy company, Andel Energi is aiming to lead us into a greener, futureproof energy reality. It’s a big responsibility.

However, with the release of their potent app and website, they’re one step closer to fulfilling their commitment to accelerate the green transition. And that commitment relies heavily on us; the energy consumers.

andel energi mand

The self-service platform has become the primary point of contact with customers.

andel app icon

The option to enact green

Andel Energi delivers electricity, natural gas and energy consultancy to more than 1,2 mio private and business customers in Denmark. The company’s vision is to offer greener and more sustainable energy solutions to the benefit of all; businesses, private energy consumers - and nature. They want to become the energy company for the sustainable future.

andel app frontpage

Energy consumption can be hard to understand. That is why the app is the perfect companion for a bit of clarity.

danse i maaneskin
andel energi website

From commodity to 
top of mind

The sustainable transformation is not happening at the pace we need for it to make a significant impact. if we are to make a positive change and improve climate, we need to increase the awareness, change behavior and provoke action down to consumer-level.

In collaboration with e-Types and Playtype Foundry, we turn on Andel Energi’s desired switch for a new digital solution which can change our behavior in consuming energy.

girls on beach andel energi

“Green features” are a simple and actionable way to build better energy habits.

andel energi app green features
clever ladestander

We constantly add new ways for users to be proactive with their energy consumption.

smartwatch andel energi

The solution

We have developed a native self-service app for iOS and Android packed with green features, which raises awareness about the individual household’s energy consumption and empowers green thinking and enactment.

Customers can see their consumption in real time, compare it year-to-year, access their electricity bills and perhaps most importantly of all: expand their knowledge on what they as individual consumers can do to limit their energy consumption.

andel energi app

Headless and scalable

Our decision for choosing the right tech stack for Andel Energi APP was based on two main priorities, animations throughout the platform and performance in peak periods with high activity.

Editor friendly Wordpress was selected as CMS, and the frontend relies heavily on TailwindCSS, AlpineJS with ChartJS powered consumption charts.

Tech stack

Service API
Wordpress + React
andel energi varmepumper
andel energi mand dame mark

The results

Our journey with Andel actually started out with Ørsted, who sold part of their business (electricity) to SEAS-NVE who in turn decided to merge their existing solution (energy) with their new acquisition - rebranding the new consolidated solution under “Andel Energi”.

With the new app and website, Andel Energi has given us all the option to enact green and make an environmental impact by changing our own energy consumption patterns.

Key numbers 2023

Total app downloads
Monthly sessions pr. user
Appstore rating
Reduced consumption for app users

Project awarded

Creative Circle Awards
Services & Utilities Sites & Apps, GOLD
Danish Digital Awards
Digital / Use of Technology, Silver
Danish Digital Awards
Personalization, GOLD
damer strand andel energi

Get in touch

You have questions, we're here to answer them. Let’s talk, meet, collaborate?

Kresten Wiingaard

Kresten Wiingaard

Managing Director